среда, 5 октября 2011 г.

white carpet anemone::If will require intense lighting and fairly strong currents white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone

white carpet anemone::If will require intense lighting and fairly strong currents.
It may prefer a sandy substrate, but sometimes will inhabit rock rubble.
It will migrate around the aquarium until it finds a spot it deems suitable.
You also want to use care when handling, as if it attaches to your skin, it will be very difficult to remove without damage and it has been known to cause severe reactions with some hobbyists.
Like all anemones, it may purge a good deal of its fluids during transport and initially look very shriveled in size.
It makes a great host for a variety of clownfish and will often acclimate to the aquarium faster if there is a clownfish already present.
It will receive its nutrients from the zoozanthellae and bits of food it catches in its tentacles.
It can be fed pieces of seafood, shrimp or krill and will also be fed by any hosting clownfish.

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