четверг, 6 октября 2011 г.

baseboard installation with carpet::This page will guide you through the process and if you follow it step by step, installing baseboard in your home will be painless baseboard installation with carpet

baseboard installation with carpet

baseboard installation with carpet

baseboard installation with carpet

baseboard installation with carpet::This page will guide you through the process and if you follow it step by step, installing baseboard in your home will be painless.
Step 1: figure out how much to buy.
Measure all the walls and add 10 percent for waste.
Step 2: gather up your tools.
Step 3: set up for the job.
You want at least four feet of clear space around the perimeter of the room to allow free movement.
Put all fragile breakable items away.
It is very easy to knock things over during baseboard installation with airlines!
Step 4: measure your first room for baseboard.
When you walk into the room, the first space of wall to your left will be your starting point.
Use a seperate line for each measurement.
As you measure you will need to use some symbol to indicate the type of cut for each end of each board.
A tool i like to use to save tim and increase accuracy is the.
You may like it as well, especially if you are doing a lot of installations.
Measure an entire room before going to the saw to cut.
Step 5: cut and spread your first room.
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than a video is worth a hundred thousand words.
Just be careful with the saw, and please watch this before moving on to this step.
Cut first piece, place on the ground directly behind you.
Cut second piece, place on top of the first piece oriented in the same direction.
Repeat until whole room is cut.
Step 6: baseboard installation.
Do not, i repeat, do not use nails longer than 2 inches!
If you do, you run the risk of hitting a wire or puncturing a pipe, and that will turn your modest baseboard installation into a disaster.
Nail up the pieces that have outside corners first, then go back and nail up the pieces that terminate with inside corners.
Anyone who says otherwise has much to learn.
Tack the ends with a single nail before completely nailing off.
A miscut piece is a lot easier to pull off with only two nails holding it!
Nail sparingly, by the way.
You can hide many nail holes by placing them a the bottom if you have a thick piled carpet and a nail at the top edge of your baseboard every other stud is all that is usually needed.
Step 7: look at all these pieces i have to recut!
Is it time for a break?
Step 8: recut your base.
Just take a deep breath and recut one piece at a time and check to see if each one fits before recutting the next.
Step 9: have a beer.
Your installation is done!
baseboard installation with carpet::Baseboard trim is an optional
finish in any room, and carpet is installed with tack strips around the
perimeter of the room baseboard installation with carpet

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