понедельник, 3 октября 2011 г.

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carpet com e online red::Entertainment has relaunched the popular.
When we say popular, we mean it there are apparently over 1.
While your chances of getting your video snippet on the air are probably slim, at least you can finally talk back to the tv.
You no longer need to tear yourself away from your iphone or ipod touch to watch e!
The app, for better or for worse, lets you watch complete episodes of such favorites as and.
If all you want is the scoop on your favorite celebs, you can also create a custom celeb list and get the news delivered directly to your iphone or ipod touch.
The free app is available in the itunes store now.
Be sure to let tuaw know if your iphone submission to the e!
Talk box gets on the air.
carpet com e online red::The first award is the versatile blogger award
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